home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #include "includes.h"
- #include "installergui_data.h"
- /********************************************************************
- *
- *
- * this panel asks the user to insert a specific disk. when the
- * user presses the "Proceed with install" button, this function
- * must check for the requested disk and must not return as long
- * as this requested disk is missing.
- *
- * IN: application - pointer to the private application structure
- * localenv - the local environment of the related ASKDISK function
- *
- * OUT: -
- *
- */
- /********************************************************************
- *
- *
- */
- /********************************************************************
- *
- *
- */
- /********************************************************************
- *
- *
- */
- /********************************************************************
- *
- * CODE
- *
- */
- void __asm igui_AskDisk(register __a0 APTR application,
- register __a1 struct FunctionEnvironment *localenv)
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG
- #endif
- {
- struct Application *app = (struct Application *) application;
- APTR must;
- APTR obj = GroupObject,
- Child, TextObject,
- MUIA_Frame, MUIV_Frame_None,
- MUIA_Text_Contents, localenv->fe_Prompt,
- MUIA_Text_SetMin, TRUE,
- MUIA_Text_PreParse, "\33c",
- End,
- Child, GroupObject,
- MUIA_Group_Horiz, TRUE,
- Child, HVSpace,
- Child, GroupObject,
- Child, HVSpace,
- Child, must = TextObject,
- MUIA_Text_Contents, app->app_Texts[MUST_INSERT_DISK],
- MUIA_Text_SetMin, TRUE,
- MUIA_Text_PreParse, "\33c",
- End,
- Child, HVSpace,
- End,
- Child, HVSpace,
- End,
- End;
- // maybee BACK (if specified) or respect the swing mode
- if (localenv->fe_Back) { guistuff_SetBackButton(app, TRUE); }
- else if (!app->app_SWING_Mode) { igui_NameCancel(app, (char *) app->app_GlobalEnv[GENV_ABORT_BUTTON]); }
- // show the panel
- if (guistuff_NewContent(app, obj))
- {
- // wait, until the user does anything
- while (TRUE)
- {
- // wait for the user to do anything
- igui_WaitApp(app);
- //
- if (igui_QuitApp(app)) { break; }
- else
- {
- // where is the requested device/volume?
- if (sav_ExistsDosEntry((char *) localenv->fe_Dest, LDF_VOLUMES|LDF_DEVICES)) { break; }
- if (localenv->fe_Assigns)
- {
- if (sav_ExistsDosEntry((char *) localenv->fe_Dest, LDF_ASSIGNS)) { break; }
- }
- // no correct disk available
- SetAttrs(must, MUIA_ShowMe, TRUE, TAG_DONE);
- DisplayBeep(NULL);
- }
- }
- }
- else { /* NO GUI OBJECT */ }
- //
- if (localenv->fe_Back) { guistuff_SetBackButton(app, FALSE); }
- igui_EmptyPanel(app);
- return;
- }
- }